Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Fish is among the healthiest foods you can eat. It's filled with good fats and protein, and has been shown to fight heart disease, boost brain health, and more. You can easily cancel out these health benefits if the fish you eat is contaminated with mercury, antibiotics or harmful chemicals like PC B's. All fish, every single fish on this planet have some level of mercury; however, some have much higher levels than others. Take a look at our list of the top 15 most contaminated fish on the market today. Avoid eating these or eat them in very small quantities, unless you are an expectant mother, in which case, avoid these fish entirely.

Ø  Shark – Because this fish is at the top of the food chain, it consumes other fish to survive – and oftentimes, those other fish have already been contaminated with mercury, which means sharks levels veer into dangerously high territory. This means any type of meat eating shark such as Long fin Mako, Short fin Mayo, Black tip or common Thresher shark. Because sharks are at or near the top of the food chain, they consume other types of fish as their main source of food.

Ø  Sword Fish – This tropical fish is also a top predator that feeds on other fish tainted with mercury. Although swordfish is hugely popular, this beautiful, tropical fish has been found to contain some of the highest levels of mercury among all larger sized edible fish. These fish contain high levels of a very strong neuron-toxin called methyl mercury. The toxin can easily cross the placenta in pregnant women, and has the potential to damage the nervous system of the unborn fetus. 

Ø  King Mackerel –  This voracious predator is definitely on the no-no list. Mercury builds up in the body. The findings are consistent and King Mackerel contain high levels of mercury. Kind Mackerel sometimes called King fish are a common part of sport fishing. Although some authorities feel that it's safe to eat this fish if it's less than 33 inches long and weights 10 pounds or less.

Ø  Tile Fish – Atlantic Tile Fish a yummy predator that ranges from the Gulf of Mexico to New England, appears to be OK, but unless you know for certain exactly which species you are eating, you are better off just writing this one off. Tile Fish, despite the warnings about excessive mercury contamination, is often seen on restaurant menus. Tile Fish are popular because it's a mild tasting, white meat fish that has a flavor similar to crabs or lobsters and tends to be a little sweet.

Ø  Albacore Tuna or Tuna Streaks – Tuna is a tricky one to keep track of, as some species seem to be OK, while others are downright scary. Albacore Tuna contamination runs around the middle of the scale so if you are a tuna lover, eat no more than six ounces of this every week. There are two types of canned tuna : solid or chunk white, which is albacore tuna. The mercury levels are almost three times higher than canned light tuna.

Ø  Spanish Mackerel -  Spanish Mackerel are actually related to tuna. They can grow to three feet in length and because they live more closely to the shores, they can easily become contaminated by mercury that is being released into the ocean via slow moving coastal rivers.

Ø  Orange Rough – Orange rough, which are part of the slime head family can take as long as 40 years to reach full maturity. Amazingly these fish can live as long as 150 years! This means that, besides being easily over fished, they have many years to accumulate mercury and other toxins into their flesh. Orange rough live in the deep waters off the Western Pacific ocean, Eastern Atlantic Ocean, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and the Eastern Pacific Off Chile. Although they are actually a deep brick-red color, their flesh fades to a yellow orange after death, hence their name.

Ø  Blue Fish -  This is another fish that is tricky. It is a great low fat, protein rich source of those omega-3 fatty acids, but it can be full of dangerous toxins including PC B's, pesticides and of course mercury. Blue fish can become contaminated from storm run-off, agricultural chemicals, and industrial discharges, but they can also be contaminated when they eat natural toxins of some varieties of bacteria and algae.

Ø  Chilean Sea Bass -  As if it's not bad enough that this fish is contaminated with higher levels of mercury than the United States, and most other countries, feel is dangerously unsafe, they have also been hunted to the brink of extinction. If you see Chilean Sea Bass listed for sale, it's either a different type of fish with an erroneous label, or it has been caught illegally. Technically there is no Chilean Sea Bass. This is a marketing name because many people, especially Americans, find its true name a bit distasteful. Chilean Sea Bass are actually called Patagonian Tooth Fish.

Ø  Pacific Ocean Perch – Mercury does more than accumulate in fish; it also accumulates in the human body. This bi-accumulation in seafood carries over to human beings, where it can result in mercury poisoning. Each succession of fish absorbs the mercury that came from each fish that was consumed by the previous fish. Pacific Ocean perch is commonly served in many restaurants as well as being caught by sports fishermen. 

Ø  Atlantic Cod - It gets confusing sometimes, whether to eat fish from the Pacific or the Atlantic, but it really does make a difference. Everyone feels badly about adding this to the “do not eat” list, because New England fishermen rely on this fish for their economic livelihood, but besides being contaminated with mercury, the chronic mismanagement of this fish by the National Fisheries Services has placed this fish just one step above making the endangered species list. Until this fish species recovers its numbers, eat Pacific cod, which is still extremely plentiful and not nearly as contaminated.

Ø  American Eel - American Eel is sometimes referred to as silver eel or even yellow eel. This fish, which is most commonly found in sushi restaurants, found its way here due to high levels of contamination from both mercury and PC B’s. Unfortunately, this tasty fish is also suffering from more than just pollution, but overfishing as well. If you love the taste of eel, avoid the poisons and contamination and choose either Atlantic caught squid, or even Pacific caught squid, as both taste almost exactly the same, but are plentiful and have low contamination levels. Mercury can impair the nervous system and brain development, especially in infants, young children, and developing fetuses.

Ø  Atlantic Flatfish - Atlantic flatfish include such fish as sole, halibut, and flounder that are caught off the Atlantic coast of the US. These, like many of the fish from the Atlantic Ocean, are heavily contaminated due to industrial waste as well as being over fished. In fact, these fish populations are as low as 1 percent of what is thought to be necessary for sustainable, long term fishing, according to the Food and Water Watch. Consider eating other fish that have the same mild flavor and white flesh, such as tilapia or Pacific halibut.

Ø  Caviar- Most of the caviar consumed in the US comes from wild caught sturgeon or beluga, which have been over fished for years. In fact, these species are also being threatened by an increase in the production of dams, which pollute the water in which these fish live. You can reduce your risk of becoming contaminated by varying your seafood choices. When you do this, you minimize overexposure to any particular contaminant that one species might contain.

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